Adamas -

About Adamas

Adamas is a web application that helps the European Commission to perform its duties inside the Kimberley Process Scheme. The Adamas users are the Union Authorities and EC KP administrators.

The Union Authorities are in charge with the submission of the certificates on a monthly (or quarterly) basis. The certificates of all the Authorities are gathered into Adamas database.

The EC KP administrators deal with the uploading of the aggregated certificates statistical data into the WGS website. This task is done on a quarterly basis, deadlines are on March 31 (data of the fourth quarter of the previous year), June 30 (first quarter of the current year), September 30 (second quarter of the current year) and December 31 (third quarter of the current year).

EC KP administrators also provide the Annual Report in the first part of the following year. Twice a year they also produce a review of all the data traded via each Union Authority to be cross checked with the related Authority in order to reset possible errors.

Reconciliation exercises are an important part of the EC KP administrators activity. Some of the countries that participate to the KP accept to provide their data for reconciliation purposes. A Reconciliation exercise has to do with the comparison of the data of two sources that ideally should be identical. For example the Exports of the participant into the EU in a given year are compared with the Imports of the EU from that participant in that year. The possible discrepancies are afterward submitted to the chair of the KP.